Monday, January 19, 2015

My One Word

Have you heard of My One Word? It is a book that has become a movement of sorts. The premise is; “Lose your long list of resolutions—all your sweeping promises to change and do something about one thing this year instead of nothing about everything. Choose one word that represents what you most hope God will do in you, and focus on it for an entire year.” My One Word, Ashcraft and Olsen 2012

I’ve been muddling around deciding between two words for a few weeks now. With things like this I tend to be a perfectionist. Somehow unconsciously believing that there is one word that is the perfect word. Just like I think there is one perfect way to write a blog post or an article or to paint a picture, or say I am sorry or decorate cupcakes or a million other things and I procrastinate myself into paralysis, accomplishing nothing. Hence my one word: Courage

Whew! Courage--a scary word to me. I have been fearful all of my life. Fearful of more things than I can list and for more reasons than can say here. Now there are people who know me that would argue this and list different accomplishments that would prove their case: Marriage, children (you don’t enter those places timidly), Africa, a short lived music career, graduate school, speaking engagements…they think that because I have done those things I am courageous. I am not. There are many more undone, half-done things in my life because I was too fearful of completing them. I have been afraid of not being accepted, loved, respected, valued. I have been afraid of being laughed at or pitied. What if I didn’t succeed? What if I did? When will that moment come when the curtain will fall and I will be exposed as a fraud? Someone who doesn’t belong, doesn’t
 have skill, doesn’t deserve—fill in the blank.

So because I need it so badly I have chosen the word COURAGE. I think by choosing that word I have done my first courageous thing.

The ”My One Word” book recommends putting your word all around your environment to remind you of your focus throughout the year. I went on an internet search for sayings and images of courage and came across the most simple and beautiful one and made it the screen saver on both my phone and computer. It comes from C.S. Lewis’ book Voyage of the Dawn Treader. When I picked the saying I didn’t know the background despite having read the book years ago. As it goes, the children and crew of the Dawn Treader are on a dangerous journey when Aslan, in the form of an albatross appears.

 “It called out in a strong sweet voice what seemed to be words though no one understood them. After that it spread its wings, rose, and began to fly slowly ahead, bearing a little to starboard. Drinian steered after it not doubting that it offered good guidance. But no one except Lucy knew that as it circled the mast it had whispered to her, “Courage, dear heart,” and the voice she felt sure was Aslan.”

 God is with us. He takes unfamiliar forms and uses unfamiliar means but He is there guiding us-- if we have eyes to see. So if He is leading the way why not have courage? Why not jump in and pursue my dreams, my purpose, my passions? What could happen? Oh yeah. A lot could happen; but some of it is good and I’m ready to take a chance. I’m ready to be courageous and follow His leading wherever that will be. Are you?

Pick a word for your year and share it here. Let's encourage each other with our stories of real life.

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